Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Digital Responsibility

By now you have probably heard about Logan Paul. If not, he's a Youtube "celebrity" that recently filmed himself in Japan making fun of a suicide victim. It sparked global disgust and outrage and has since been removed from Youtube. Before it was removed it had been viewed 6 million times and most of his viewers are young people.

It is important to discuss issues like this when they come up. Seeing incredibly graphic content displayed in a mocking manner can be debilitating for young people who may or may not have developed coping mechanisms for viewing such material.

For this post please comment about your reaction to this case. Were you aware of who he was and what happened? What do you think is an appropriate response? With just a click of a camera we can instantly transmit high offensive and morally repugnant content. How far is too far?

Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year, New You?

Welcome back. Happy New Year. People typically like to take the opportunity to reevaluate some bad habits and try to correct them around this time of year. For our first post of the New Year lets share a few resolutions you are committing to making or discuss how it may have went for you in the past. Are you able to stay committed to a resolution you make with yourself? Or what would you like to change about yourself and how can you?


You did it! You are infinitely smarter now than when we first met 180+ days ago. You persevered through a rigorous trial but you still have ...