Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year, New You?

Welcome back. Happy New Year. People typically like to take the opportunity to reevaluate some bad habits and try to correct them around this time of year. For our first post of the New Year lets share a few resolutions you are committing to making or discuss how it may have went for you in the past. Are you able to stay committed to a resolution you make with yourself? Or what would you like to change about yourself and how can you?


  1. 1. stop procrastinating
    2. be more organized
    3. helping more around the house

  2. New Years Resolutions 2018:
    1. Make new friends
    2. Don't procrastinate
    3. Spend more time with my sister

    I usually struggle to stay committed to my new years resolutions. This is why I like to make new month resolutions more so that my goals seem more achievable and I am motivated to succeed knowing that next month I can create new goals.
    Hopefully, this year I can stick to these three goals major goals for all of 2018, while achieving smaller goals every month.

  3. 2018 New Years Resolutions:
    1. Be happier/smile more:Last year wasn't too great for me, and I wasn't in a fantastic place. This year, I'd like to change that by trying to smile more, and by having a more optimistic out look on things.
    2. Read more often: I used to read a lot before sixth grade, but as the work got harder, I ran out of downtime. So, this year I want to a lot more personal reading.
    3. Stop procrastinating: I have a really bad habit of procrastinating, so I want to fix that. I think in doing so, I would relieve myself of some stress.

    I not very good at keeping my resolutions. I've already gone against the last one twice. But I'd like to stick with it this year.

  4. My 2018 New Years Resolutions are:
    1. To keep myself organized and up to date on my school email.
    2. To stop stressing about little things and to focus more on getting more sleep and eating healthy.
    3. Practicing my instruments more often, because I want to learn more harder and challenging pieces.
    I believe that I would be able to hold my resolutions if I keep motivating and pushing myself to be the person that I want to be. I'm in high school now, so I think that I should definitely stick to my resolution. I don't want the next four years of my life to be about me struggling with grades, sleep, and other important things.

  5. My Resolutions For 2018 Are:
    1. To get my grades up in certain classes,not because I'm doing in them poorly, but because I want to do better.
    2. To normalize, because recently, my life has been very crazy and a lot has been going on.
    3. To study more, because there are many situations in which I could have studied but I did not. Along with times where I would have done better on something if I had.

    I think that it is possible for me to keep my resolutions if I work towards it. I could designate more time for studying in the future and if I study enough it will pick up my grades in those classes. As for normalizing, I am already starting to do so in many ways and things are certainly looking up. So, I think that I can do this,it does not seem like it will be too hard.

  6. My 2018 Resolutions
    1. Read more. There are so many books to read, not enough time.
    2. Stay on top of all my school work and be organized.
    3. Don't procrastinate.

    I think people see the new year as a time of change where they can fix themselves, but in reality the course of time doesn't change and it feels the same as it did a few days ago/last year. I usually don't make resolutions because I know I won't follow them, but it is a good way to keep track of your goals and succeed. You need to start taking small steps to reach your larger goal. For example, if you want to sleep more, this includes getting to bed on time and completing your work during the day.

  7. 1) Be more organized
    2) Read more
    3) Spend more time with my family

    People see the new year as a time of reflection and evaluation on themselves and it can be hard to keep your resolutions. Keeping them can be tough because you are ridding yourself of bad/unhealthy habits and it can be a challenge. I will try to keep up with my resolutions by using a journal and planning out my time more effectively.

  8. 1) Stop stressing myself out, especially over little things
    2) Be organized, and organize my locker
    3) Find more time, by not wasting time and procrastinating

    I think New Year resolutions can be hard to follow because they are trying to change old habits and that is not easy.Personally I am terrible at keeping my resolutions. I think you have to follow your resolutions for a while, until they become habits and you begin doing them without thinking. I think you have to place effort into following your resolutions if you want to actually do them

  9. 1)Stop procrastinating
    2)Be more organized
    3)Be more proactive
    New Year resolution's can be hard to break because old habits are hard to break and seem more convenient to you at the time, they just have consequences later.If you don't put it off and continue to do it, keeping your new year resolution is possible.

  10. This year my goal is to stay on top of my schoolwork, spend more time with my family, drink more water, and have less anxiety. I would like to stay ahead and get good grades in school. I want to learn more and talk more with my parents and grandparents. I believe that they are very wise and have a lot to shre with their children and grandchildren, and they wont be here forever, so i have to enjoy all the time i have with them. I want to drink more water because it improves skin condition, it makes you phisically stronger and it helps calm anxiety. Water is the best thing for you and i want to try to drink more of it. I also want to have less anxiety. I worry about all the little things and i get less sleep because of it. Having less anxiety would improve my atttitude and daily routine. I believe that i an accomplish most if not all of these resolutions.

  11. There are lot of things that I probably should make resolutions for this year, but I never stick with them, so I've decided to stop trying to change something every year. I'm really bad at finishing the things that I start, so any resolutions that I make would be broken almost immediately. I wish I could stick with resolutions through, because I desperately need to stop procrastinating.

  12. I want to be more organized and I also want to take my photography more seriously. New yeas resolutions are hard for me but this year, because I am more mature, I thing I can accomplish these two things.



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